Friday, February 12, 2010
Because of friends.....
I'm not a fiber artists, but as I sat next to two good friends last year on a plane bound for Michigan on a girls weekend, apparantly they thought I should be! They also thought my name was not artsy enough and so they dubbed me Macee, which has since stuck. We sat side by side knitting as the balls rolled under the seats. Ok, THEY were knitting and I was trying to knit, since I haven't picked up yarn in years. Mom taught me to crochet as a kid, but I stepped away from those toilet paper covers a long time ago. Most of you who are wonderfully experienced fiber artists, to include my good friends, would have this scarf done in one sitting. Not me, it took me forever because I forgot what I was doing, got side tracked and then had to be taught how to do it again. It also took a little instruction as well to finish things off, but alas, here is my first knitted piece. Though it may not be perfect, it is finished and I've moved on to the next scarf in between making jewelry!