Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Credit cards at festivals...

Don't be afraid of it - Mobile payment processing of your credit card at my festivals! Have you found yourself at a festival wondering how safe it is to hand over your credit card and/or have it swiped or hand-keyed into the new technology such as a smartphone or iPad? It's ok for you to ask us how this works!

It's better for you as a customer, here is why: It is an application, usually by a large credit card processing company and it DOES NOT let the smartphones store any credit card or personal info, the info is encryped and immediately sent to the payment processing company, JUST like when you use a credit card in a store! In my processing company's case, it won't even store your email on my iPhone. We can email you a receipt immediately and we don't see the email address after it processes! As a business owner, I like that I do not walk away with YOUR info and the only time I see your credit card is when I am swiping it! It is more secure for you and I don't have to be responsible for safeguarding your card information! Only draw back is if I don't have cell service, then we have to do it the good ol' knuckle buster by-hand way!

So, if you find yourself at a festival where an artist asks for your credit card info to put either in their smartphone or iPad, it's all good! Technology and companies out there have finally caught up with our "traveling businesses" and realize we need safer ways to safe guard our customers!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Artisan Marketplace.....

Come on out to Lakeview Golf Resort & Spa in Morgantown WV and visit Macee at the Artisan Marketplace during their 28th Annual Festival of Food & Wine. The Artisan Marketplace will be open on Saturday, January 21st from 10-6. All other food and wine activities start Friday and continue through Sunday. You can come out for the day or jump on their Getaway Package. This years event features "A Culinary Road Trip Across America". Find the details at . Check out their food & wine schedule here and of course you must see their menu for the weekend here . YUM! And finally, reservations and direction can be found here . Come say hi and enjoy and fabulous weekend! Maybe even book a Spa treatment!